Monday, February 25, 2013

i have no balls.

grow some.

i'm pretty sure you've heard the saying before many times. on tv. on a comic strip. well, just about anywhere. 

grow some.

usually it implies to grow some balls.
have courage.
be a man.

who decided that being a man was directly linked to having courage?

i think being a woman is so much tougher.
we carry the blame for falling prey to the snake and taking a bite into the real world
we alone bare fault of sharing the torture with men, who later is punished and banished together out of the garden of eden.

we could have led such peaceful lives if we only just trusted and remain oblivious to the tree of knowledge.

woman these days. are we still unappreciated? 
have we become equal to men so much so that they now find us as threats? 
have woman become so ambitious in life that it's become normal for woman to actually grow a pair?

if i grew some balls.... and man up, would life really become more easier?

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