Saturday, March 14, 2020

the past.

I accidentally found this old blog again and decided to publish all the events I had written over the years that was saved in draft.

the following entries dated back from 2009-2012 and I randomly edited in their dates to sort of reflect the year they were written.

memories can be both alarming and satisfying at the same time.

I want to say I've evolved and changed but re-reading younger me write, honestly... nothing much really changed. i'm still me, just older with a little more insight to life and with experiences that most people go through gradually (and eventually) I suppose.


I just like the idea of posting this old school (blogger style) collection of memories to revisit whenever instead of tiktok (what's trending at this time and age.) videos where visual memories of my stupidity might not be as charming as my lame childish words.


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