Sunday, January 6, 2013

hello january

the last curry devil for now until my mum decides to cook a post-holiday Christmas meal again.

so Christmas is over and well, the new year has begun. goodbye crazy Christmas feasting and hello boring dinners and lunch.

The house has grown quiet again and the Christmas decorations are long gone. Despite it all my room is still left unfinished. I've yet to put the pictures up and buying a TV seems like such a hassle for now. yes, i know, TV prices have dropped ridiculously low and i could possibly get a typical flat screen for less than $400 but still i haven't gotten off my lazy butt to do so and thus this task of finishing up my room seems to take forever.

work on the other hand has taken control again and i am more than please to get my hands dirty and mind busy.

it's kinda funny considering the opposite is usually what happens during the holidays... 

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